CIPCO at a Glance

CIPCO supplies power requirements for its Member-owners.

Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) is a generation and transmission electric cooperative owned by 13 rural electric cooperatives and associations that serve a population of over 300,000 rural and urban residents and more than 13,000 small and large commercial and industrial accounts across Iowa.

Each Member-owner cooperative is represented on the CIPCO Board of Directors by an elected director from their local board. The CIPCO Board is the governing body that selects the Chief Executive Officer who is responsible for day-to-day operations. 

CIPCO supplies power requirements for its Member-owners and is dedicated to delivering 24/7 energy that is cost-effective, safe, and reliable.


CIPCO Difference

As the energy landscape shifts, we stay true to our mission, vision and values.

Our Mission

The mission of CIPCO is to provide Member-owners with wholesale power and services in a safe, reliable and cost-effective manner


Our Vision

The CIPCO Systems, through unity of purpose and progressive leadership, will exceed the competition in service excellence, product value, and resource deployment.


Our Values

  • Reliability
  • Member-Focused
  • Transparency
  • Safety
  • Service Excellence