
Reliable - Safe - Dependable

Central Iowa Power Cooperative owns and maintains nearly 2,000 miles of transmission lines, delivering power to over 300 Member-owner substation delivery points through CIPCO’s owned and contracted facilities.

CIPCO prides itself on sound operating and maintenance programs to ensure our power supply system sustains the highest degree of reliability for our Member-owners.

With office locations in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids and dispatch and transmission facilities in Creston and Wilton, CIPCO's strategic locations ensure broad response capabilities across its service territory. CIPCO dispatchers facilitate quick, 24/7 responses during storm-related outages and heavy (peak) load situations, as well as general monitoring of the entire transmission system.


38 CIPCO Substations

309 Member Delivery Points


Miles of 345kV Transmission Lines


Miles of 161kV Transmission Lines


Miles of 115kV Transmission Lines


Miles of 69kV Transmission Lines


Miles of 34kV Transmission Lines

This video details CIPCO's Member-owners and its connection to MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator), and how electricity flows from generation to end user. Click to learn more about this complex network of players in this ever-changing electric utility industry.